SOlar Solutions Case Studies

Lewis and Clark Community College

GRP|WEGMAN furnished and installed the roof top solar panels at the Trimpe building, these panels were a new, at the time, panel that basically were supplied with adhesives on the panels itself that attached to the rubber membrane roof surface.
We furnished and installed the 2 trackers at the Trimpe building, these required concrete bases to support the size of the arrays, along with an extensive metal base and hydraulic motor. These arrays track the sun during the day and at night basically shutdown, lie flat, and wake up in the morning. These have a built-in anemometer that will protect the tracker and lay them flat during high wind conditions.
We furnished and installed the 8 trackers at the NGRREC facility, these required deep concrete bases to support the size of the arrays, due to the proximity of the Mississippi river, these bases were approximately 18ft deep and the use of a hydro vac truck performed this task. The structure was comprised of an extensive metal base and hydraulic motor. These arrays track the sun during the day and at night basically shutdown, lie flat, and wake up in the morning.These have a built-in anemometer that will protect the tracker and lay them flat during high wind conditions.
Scott Bibb rooftop solar panels were installed in the summer of 2020. This system was a standard flat rubber membrane roof installed with a series of concrete ballast blocks. This system was a 12kw system.


Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 553 Training Center

GRP|WEGMAN reached out to our customer base in early 2019 to launch out partnership with Day and Night Solar. The Plumbers and Pipefitters responded and were interested in solar for their training center. The training center is approximately 10,000 sq ft, they have 1 full time instructor and have the most up to date equipment to train their apprentices in both plumbing and pipefitting. This includes multiple welding booths that can be used for all the applications needed in their field.